
Diamond Cut.

Did you ever think about why we love diamonds so much? We are drawn to it by the fabulous play of light and color, or as we call it in terms of gemology: brilliance, fire, and scintillation. Let me tell you that all of the above depends on one but an extremely important thing – the  Cut. Only a perfectly cut diamond can display its true beauty. 


Why is it so?

Imagine the light and the mirrors. Have you imagined it? The facets of a polished diamond act as magic mirrors. When a ray of light reaches a diamond's facet, part of it is reflected by the magic mirrors of the upper part of the diamond (called the Crown), and part of it enters into the stone to be reflected and refracted by the facets of the bottom part (called the Pavilion). Reflected and refracted light will eventually come back to our eyes as flashes of light and play of colors - the hypnotizing beauty of the diamond.

Cut Grading.

But, for all this to happen, the diamond must be cut in excellent proportions and exact angles, with ideal symmetry and the perfect polish of the facets. Otherwise, the diamond will not reflect the light to demonstrate its full beauty potential. How are Cut, Symmetry and Polish are graded? The scale includes five cut grades:

      - Excellent      - Very Good      - Good      - Fair      - Poor

What does each grade mean?

Excellent - perfect/ideal quality of labor.

Very Good – from almost perfect to the diamond demonstrating less beauty, fewer flashes, less play of light and colors than Excellent, but it is still considered Very Good.

Good – Let me tell you the truth: it only sounds “good” to the customers’ ears. For a gemologist, “Good” means terrible.

Fair – same story as "good." It’s not even close to being truly fair. Keep your wallet away!

Poor – if you don’t want to get divorced before you even propose, forget about those two last grades.

Five grades, but there are only two grades you need – Excellent and Very Good cut grades. Forget about the others – Good, Fair, and Poor.

In Conclusion

Trust my professional advice: save money by choosing a lower Color or Clarity grade, but do not try to save money choosing a lower Cut, Symmetry, or Polish grades. It just doesn't worse it. Always insist on an Excellent or Very Good Cut, Symmetry and Polish grades. Your diamond's beauty depends on it.

So, I hope these small secrets will help you make the right choice.

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